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Joining IMEC


Consensus Process

IMEC operates by consensus.  A process has been designed that virtually assures unanimous support for all of IMEC’s goals, activities and recommendations.  This means that when IMEC presents recommendations, it can be emphasized that the recommendations are supported by all the member states.


IMEC representatives meet three times each year.


IMEC’s activities usually involve two areas:  federal governance of the program and improving migrant students’ academic achievement.

In the area of federal governance, activities have related to legislation, regulations, non-regulatory guidance.


IMEC maintains offices with its fiscal agent, the Council of Chief State School Officers, One Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC.  Telephone 202-336-7078. 

Fiscal Agent

IMEC’s fiscal agent is the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO).

If you are interested in joining IMEC let us know.

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